Possessed to Skate- Comp LP/ Later Cd issue
This comp was my pride and joy. I love skating, I loved old THRASHERS with Puszone and MRR talking about skating. But those days were long gone, but I knew so many kids who fucking liked fastcore and skated. So what the fuck, I contacted bands that I knew were down, and put together this comp. I still think it’s the best comp I did. I compiled everything, and then PESSIMISER helped manufacture it. We did an initial 2000. Then a second press of 500, or maybe 1000. Then we did a CD version of 1000 with a final 500 vinyl repress. Here�s the catch though. PALATKA never wanted to be on a CD ever, and we did that repress with the permission of everyone but them (they were out of town at the time). SO here we did this comp and fucked up the ability of PALATKA to stay true to their ethics. I’m still bummed on that.